

Throughout my life, I have spent time listening to stories of others. In my early days, I had a local television show titled, “ Running For The Reason,” where I interviewed various people. Some of the shows that I thought we noteworthy were a couple who escaped Communist Hungry on board a freighter ship from Europe. Another taping was how an Atheist doctor found Christ after witnessing a miracle when one of his patients with severe disease was healed, finally how a police officer found God, which enabled him to cope with both his job and marriage.

I have spent my life walking with people through joyful and challenging life journeys. A few of the more difficult stories was an older man who had to have his leg amputated. The nurse came in and asked him to sign the form for permission to amputate his legs. I sat with him, and we wept together in this courageous act to save his life. Another was the mother of a two-year-old girl who struggled with a dying daughter. The mother, doctor, and nurses cried at this loss of life. I was to give them support, but I wept like a baby with them.

Worked with a Sunday School class as we helped a homeless man gain a job and an apartment to live. Another man found his vocation as we talked and prayed together. I was a chaplain of both police and a fire company in my lifetime. I am a minister who has been involved with people all my life.

I am married and have a wonderful wife, Belinda, and we have four grown children and a granddaughter and our golden retriever named Marley. I enjoy many things, such as travel, podcasting, Geneology, and movies.